19 thoughts on “#10/The End

  1. One thing I did learn is that there are many issues within the LGBTQ community that makes the people affiliated similar to the minorities in America.


  2. This class has opened my eyes to the nitty gritty of sexuality and identity. I never really took the time to think about all of these topics through prior, but this course has made me more aware and knowledgable of the transitions that may be hidden in the shadows within society. I can really appreciate this course as a whole.


  3. I have never taken the time to consider the broad topic of sexuality within the context of religion. This class has made me aware of the variation of sexuality in different cultures and different religions. I also never truly focused on the societal expectations of women and men and how some actions of men and women are considered deviant.


  4. This semester has been enlightening to say the least. I learned how heteronormativity impacts the politics of hair. Prior to this class I never even considered hair on the body as part of one’s sexual identity or being. I think it was interesting to learn and read about how one’s body hair can confirm or deconstruct heteronormative beliefs because hair sometimes is seen as insignificant, unless it’s on our heads, and this class taught me that people are defying or conforming heteronormative expectations with the hair on their bodies.


  5. Coming from a different part of a world, where people don’t really study or look at sexuality as a different entity, I was able to learn about various aspects of it, in terms of gender and race, and what people consider deviance.


  6. I learned how much sexuality impacts the social world. I learned that hair, prisoners, body modifications, etc. can be analyzed in terms of sexuality and this course has given me the ability to further understand these concepts in a different way. Kind of crazy.


  7. Yes I did learn a lot from this class. I learned how to look at sexuality in a different way and how it affects many people throughout the world. This class has brought this subject into a new light where I wouldn’t have personally seen if it wasn’t for this course. We went over many different topics such as surrogacy which I wouldn’t have thought about this at all and how it is viewed by society in different cultures around the world. Also, how many states have their laws regarding surrogacy and how it can be related to sexual work. This course has brought many issues to me in a way and how I should approach them and how to think about them in the coming years.


  8. Throughout this semester, this Politics of Sexuality course has been an interesting experience. It has shown me the different behaviors, acts, and ideas that are considered deviant within many different societies. I appreciate that not all the readings and studies were based in the United States. Before this class, I did not realize that sex and not just sexuality (or sexual orientation) is a controversial topic. This is especially true when discussing sex regarding children, teens, people with disabilities, and inmates.


  9. This course has opened my eyes to various topics related to sexuality that I would have never thought of and how these topics such as body modification, children, pregnant teens, etc. are considered deviant by the society. After this class, I realized that sexuality is a topic that has many issues within different societies and it has taught me how to approach these issues in the future.


  10. I learned that sex is complicated, maybe a little more so than it should be. I enjoyed the class though it made me question things I normally wouldn’t have given any thought to.


  11. During the course of this semester I have learned a lot of interesting topics dealing with the way society put together different identities for certain groups involving gender, sexuality in the classroom, ethnicity/race and how they are accepted or rejected as social norms in today’s society. One particular topic of discussion I didn’t know about is on the “hidden curriculum” that is mentioned in the “Becoming A Gendered Body” Article. As a future Pre-K educator it was very interesting for me to find out that there is a hidden curriculum installed in a teacher’s lesson plan that enforces social conduct that children have to participate in. I had always believed that yes teachers/school’s help teach children learn from right or wrong and the parents are responsible for teaching them about their gender bodies instead. It is interesting to know not only parents are involved with teaching their children on how to dress or their gendered body but also schools as it is minatory for teachers to have a hidden curriculum taught from their lesson plans.


  12. Going forward, forming my opinions will not be so black and white. I learned a great deal in The Politics Of Sexuality on various social issues, but the most valuable thing I think, was the process of learning a much more advanced form of critical thinking. Also, to stick to getting my information from research articles directly and not solely from magazines.


  13. I learned that there are a lot of problems in today’s society within the LGBT community. I also learned that everyone has a different story which impacts the way someone feels about themselves in different ways. Sexuality is way more complicated than I originally had thought it would be.


  14. That sexuality is a lot more complicated than what I originally thought it would be. As well the problems that the LGBT community is currently facing in today’s society.


  15. I learned that sexuality is much more complex than what I thought it was. I’ve learned that there are indeed, politics, within the realm of sexuality and these politics can be interpreted in many different ways. Through all of the readings, I’ve found that there are a lot of issues concerning sexuality that everyday people don’t often think of, such as the sexuality of disabled people.


  16. Before this class I never considered, or would have thought there were politics of hair that go beyond the black/white binary. I also wouldn’t have initially considered surrogacy sex work, and while I’m still not sure I agree with it being classified as such, the discussion held in class on the topic brought up some really good points that have given me a new outlook, and something to really consider, and I don’t think I’d be wrong to say that I am not the only person in this class to who has had this same experience throughout the course of the semester. I think that this experience was one of the prime takeaways from the semester. While not to undermine the material we’ve gone over, as I think it has all been of significance, this experience of being made to doubt something that you had held as generally true, or rethink a concept that you thought you had all figured out, or that you were at least confident you saw for what it was is so impactful. I think everyone understands the importance of educated discussion when talking about opinion heavy, or controversial topics, maybe not because they frequently participate in them, but because on occasion they’ve run into a bigot/Trump supporter/general uneducated citizen on some thread on facebook. (Then again, based on some of the Trump supporter logic, maybe not everyone understands this.) However, it seems to me that the majority of these online arguments just go back and forth with everyone doing their best to be heard, without trying to hear what the other person is saying, which isn’t conducive to anything. So, I think to be provided with the experience of how a successful use of knowledge in discussion can be used to educate and change minds; to have that highlighted so we can see that it is something that can actually be done effectively, was, maybe not something that I didn’t already know, but definitely something that I needed a lesson, or reminder of.


  17. This course has opened my eyes up a lot. Before taking this course, I was aware of an array of things that corresponded to the LGBTQ+ community as I am a part of it. However, I was never fully aware of just how much the term “sexuality” encompasses. I never gave much thought to the comparisons between sex work and surrogacy. I also never analyzed things that are normalized in our society like the removal of pubic hair and the grooming of facial hair from an objective viewpoint. This class helped me get out of my comfort zone and analyze thing from many different perspectives other than my own. Things are definitely not as black as white as people try to make them out to be.


  18. This course has taught me how broad the topic of sexuality truly is. It made me consider how much of our beings and daily lives connect to sexuality than I ever did before. I used to think that the politics involved in sexuality could mostly just be applied to gender inequality and throughout the LGBQT+ community. Or rather, I had never noticed how much more it could be applied to, such as pubic hair removal, surrogacy and sex work, and the sex of lives of disabled beings. I was also opened up to ideas I’ve never come across before, like sexual tourism. The material in this course was thought inducing and necessary for the world to be aware of. Sexuality is much more complex and complicated than most of us realize and this class gave incredible insight on the complications within. This course gave me space to learn and discuss in depth about the actual politics among sexuality in an educational setting, which was also enjoyable.


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